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Flaxseed Oil Cancer treatment

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Flaxseed Oil Diet

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The flaxseed diet was originally created by German biochemist, Dr. Johanna Budwig, in 1951. Her diet is best known for the fine condition benefits of flaxseed oil combined with clear kinds of dairy proteins that predominate in a food called quark. Its closest U.S. Equivalent is cottage cheese.

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Dr. Budwig discovered deficiencies in the blood of seriously ill cancer patients. These deficiencies were corrected over roughly a three month period by the consumption of flaxseed oil with quark. By doing so, cancer was cured in case after case. This food combination also alleviated symptoms of liver disease and diabetes.

Flaxseed Oil Cancer treatment

The key for this diet is, therefore, a combination of two natural foods that must be eaten together to be effective, since each one triggers the actions of the other.

Cottage Cheese And Flaxseed Oil Cancer Cure

Dr. Budwig's agenda has helped thousands of people. However, testimonials and descriptions of her protocol often fail to recap the key recipes and importatn dietary restrictions.

The basic combination of the two foods can be obtained in the following example of a daily recipe:

1 cup lowfat cottage cheese

4 tablespoons unrefined, cold pressed flaxseed oil or one fourth cup freshly ground flax seeds with 2 3 tbsp. Flaxseed oil

That is it for the food itself. Although this combination is tasty alone, it is better in some ways when combined with fruit and honey to taste. The dairy protein may also be modified by adding 1 cup of plain, nonfat yogurt and reducing the amount of cottage cheese to one half cup.

Making The Best Of Flaxseed Oil And cottage Cheese For Cancer

The effectiveness of the diet rests on additional steps that are mostly directed at stabilizing wholesome fat metabolism. The blood deficiencies that Dr. Budwig discovered involved clear kinds of natural fats. The following steps will get them back to wholesome levels and make the flaxseed oil cancer arresting and treatment work the way it is supposed to:

- wholly avoid refined sugar (including grape juice)
- wholly avoid all animal fats
- wholly avoid all salad oils, including mayonnaise and oil containing salad dressings
- wholly avoid all meats containing chemicals, hormones, or preservatives
- wholly avoid butter
- Most of all, wholly avoid margarine and other sources of trans fats (i.e., hydrogenated oils)

How Much And for How Long?

Some citizen have had a remarkably fast disappearance of tumors within just a few months of following the Budwig protocol every day. Others may take longer, even years. Dr. Budwig often recommended that citizen using her protocol for treating serious illness stay on it for three to five years.

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