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Why Fish Oil Helps sacrifice Hair Loss

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Hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness are separate degrees of the same problem. It is a qoute that has vexed men and women for centuries. Nowadays, there are ointments, pills, hair implants, wigs, and countless other supplements, medications and treatments for hair loss. Fish oil with its Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin A helps get hair and scalp healthy from the inside out.

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A nutritionist at Nyu medical Center, Samantha Heller, Ms. Rd, says that many patients that she sees have a sub-clinical lack of omega 3 fatty acids and recommends supplementing the diet with fish oil. Fish oil supplements, she cautions, should be taken as directed on the bottle. Exceeding recommended dosages without the administration of a physician or naturopath could be dangerous.

Flaxseed Oil Hair

The danger comes not so much from the omega-3 fatty acids but from the vitamin A. It is approximately impossible to overdose on Omega-3 fatty acids when eating plants and nuts such as flaxseed and walnuts. Overdoses are more likely to occur when using supplements. Cod liver oil for example, is high in vitamin A, so it is particularly prominent to cleave to recommended dosages. Taken at ultimate levels, vitamin A can be toxic.

Flaxseed Oil Hair and Why Fish Oil Helps sacrifice Hair Loss
The Flaxseed Oil Hair.

It is prominent to know that fish oil supplements vary in the fish sources of the oil, so check the label. Many fish oil supplements are high in the Dha and Epa omega fatty acids and low in vitamin A. Also check the vitamin A article of any other supplements taken at the same time.

Fish oil as a treatment for hair loss can be extremely safe if dosages are not exceeded. Fish oil treats the a hair and scalp from the inside and out, and gives the body additional benefits that enlarge the immune system, builds healthy bones and rejuvenates skin.

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